“There are good photographers and there are great photographers and then there is Pixel Story! It’s certainly not about what you click, its all about when you click and how you click ! To look through the lens and convey a story ... no one does better ! Pixel Story has a lot of meaning and relevance behind every click they come out with... every click is a story and every click is a result of a lot of deliberation, creativity, emotion and most importantly is a piece of magic captured ! What the click does to the viewer is to live the moment from the shoes of the subject cos that’s how pure their capture is ! To see every event differently and to come out with a master stroke is feasible not by the best but by someone just beyond that ... these guys do that ! Repeatedly over the years as a silent observer many times and a subject some times i have lived the magic, felt the class and loved the passion ! You guys surprise me every time you post an event experience... every marriage story is differently conveyed and everything speaks a different tone of love, passion, romance and the attitude of the couple is best portrayed in your clicks and that deserve a special mention. Mukesh & Sudha i seriously believe you guys don’t do this just as a profession, but the gallons of passion you ooze on every job you undertake and each story that you say so differently makes me fall in love with your work every single time! In my own style all i can say is ... wish i can get married more often just to be captured by you guys! Pixel story is not just another photography assignment, this is magic in motion captured one click at a time ! Let the story continue... god bless !”