Yam & Marco | Love Story of a Yogini
“It’s was drop in yoga class at the beautiful yoga centre in Goa, India. I have been teaching at for years, I was in the middle of teaching a yoga teacher training and wasn’t supposed to teach that class but someone asked me to cover and I’m glad I did. Just as I was about to start the class two gentlemen enter the Shala a little late. I continue the class and as i normally do I go to the students to adjust their yoga poses, I approach one of the gentlemen’s at the back and as I place my hands on his lower back I feel a special energy I don’t always feel ! Like electricity! I continue the class and at the end this gentleman approaches me and introduces himself as Marco. We have many friends and things in common! We are both yoga teachers and therapists. We connect on Facebook and within a few days he already writes me and invites me to dinner.
The journey of opening up to love begins and we spend days and nights getting to know each other, the season ends and Marco has to return to Europe to work. I go for holiday in Thailand and Marco surprises me for 6 days.We spend the whole summer in beautiful European locations and we go deeper into our love. We begin to share our lives together travelling to India and both teaching yoga together, we love to practice Acroyoga which is a wonderful practice for two people where you learn about Connection and Trust.We are still learning a lot about Life and love together and we both hope to someday offer trainings together and to create a beautiful space where we can call home & share what we both love which is Yoga & Healing modalities.
I am deeply grateful for Marco and his presence in my life and all he teaches and shares with me. He is such a gentle and compassionate person I’m so happy he came to that Yoga class that day and changed my life forever.
”Let the beauty of what you love, Be what you do “ RUMI”
About Yam
Yam started her training with kung fu, and went on to explore various styles of dance like contemporary, jazz, hip hop, ballet and capoeira. With a degree in dance she traveled to India to discover her Indian roots and her spiritual being was discovered. Yam is trained in Indian martial arts Kalari and traditional Indian dance. She have been a professional dancer for 10 years touring internationally to the far east and Europe. In 2008 Yam gave up her life as a professional dancer and took yoga teacher training to transform her life and to help others to do the same. She continued to become a certified Hatha Yoga and Acroyoga teacher and since then she have toured internationally sharing workshops across the world. She frequently spend time in Goa at Ashiyana retreat centre where she is one of the main teachers of the 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training courses. She can be reached at www.yamflow.com
About Marco
Marco is a professional Bodyworker & Yoga Teacher based in Mallorca, Spain. His professional, personal, and spiritual experiences across the globe have instilled within him the desire to help connect people with their communities and themselves, allowing them to be human-beings rather than human-doings and enabling them to let go of daily distractions in order to find true peace and stillness within. Combining his experience as a Sports Practitioner with his advanced studies of Thai Massage and Yoga, He continues to delve deeper into the holistic world, and feels blessed to be able to share his experience and knowledge with the community. You can reach Marco at www.marcopompeo.com